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Effect on Sleepiness and Relaxation of Doing Yoga upon Waking with a Smartphone Yoga Application

Masashi Sugano and Mami Ueno
School of Knowledge and Information Systems, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan

Abstract—Stress reduction and maintaining regular daily routines are important for prevention of lifestyle diseases. Traditionally, yoga is practiced upon waking, and is effective for stress relief. Yoga mastery generally requires formal instruction, which entails a large commitment of time and money. Thus, we evaluated the effect of yoga upon waking by using a simple smartphone yoga application with university students. Sleepiness decreased significantly before and after yoga as a result of the experiment. However, no significant difference was observed for degree of relaxation. 

Index Terms—yoga, sleepiness, relaxation, smartphone

Cite: Masashi Sugano and Mami Ueno, "Effect on Sleepiness and Relaxation of Doing Yoga upon Waking with a Smartphone Yoga Application," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 55-58, March 2013. doi: 10.12720/joig.1.1.55-58