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Performance Comparison of DCT Based Image Compression on Hexagonal and Rectangular Sampling Grid

Jeevan K. Mani1, Rahul Ravindran A1, and S Krishnakumar 2
1. Dept. of Electronics and Communication, Sreenarayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Ernakulam, India
2. University College of Applied Sciences MG University Regional Centre Edappally, Cochin

Abstract—The advantages of processing images on hexagonal lattice are higher degree of circular symmetry, uniform connectivity, greater angular resolution, and a reduced need of storage and computation in image processing operations. In this work a comparison of DCT based Image compression on hexagonal and rectangular sampling grid is performed. DCT based image compression is performed on both rectangular domain and hexagonal domain using alternate pixel suppressal method. Mean Square Error and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio is considered for the performance analysis. Compression on hexagonal domain gives better results compared to compression on rectangular domain 

Index TermsImage resampling, Compression, DCT, Hexagonal Image, Alternate pixel

Cite: Jeevan K. Mani, Rahul Ravindran A, and S Krishnakumar, "Performance Comparison of DCT Based Image Compression on Hexagonal and Rectangular Sampling Grid," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 153-156, September 2013. doi: 10.12720/joig.1.3.153-156