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Enhanced Still 3D Integral Images Rendering Based on Multiprocessor Ray Tracing System

M. G. Eljdid 1, A. Aggoun 2, and O. H. Youssef 3
1. Computer Sciences Department, Faculty of Information Technology, Tripoli University, Libya
2. Computer Science and Technology Department, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
3. Faculty of Computer Sciences, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Cairo, Egypt

Abstract—The main purpose of this paper is to introduce 3D integral imaging interpolation method, to overcome the 3D missing information problem occurred between cylindrical lenses (micro-images) due to occluded areas in the previous cylindrical lens, new cylindrical lens shows an area, to generate one single photo-realistic 3D integral imaging frame. The method is based on a Multiprocessor ray-tracer containing 3D integral imaging parser, 3D integral camera model, a 3D integral imaging renderer, spatial coherence and 3D scene transformations. Consequently, an increase in speed in the generation of still 3D integral image is achieved compared to fully ray tracing time of missing pixels. Experiments show that a significant reduction in execution time is achieved by using the 3D integral interpolation process. Savings up to (57%-66%) in the ray tracing time when compared to fully ray tracing the missing pixels depends on the complexity of the scene.

Index Terms—computer graphics, 3D Integral Images Generation, 3D Interpolation, spatial coherence, Enhancement geometric, 3DTV

Cite: M. G. Eljdid, A. Aggoun, and O. H. Youssef, "Enhanced Still 3D Integral Images Rendering Based on Multiprocessor Ray Tracing System," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 117-122, December 2014. doi: 10.12720/joig.2.2.117-122