Abstract—In this article a new approach for bump mapping as applied to visualizing medical data using isosurface volume rendering is presented. The method does not require any additional construction and can be used "on the fly" with any method of volumetric rendering. The algorithm is based on classic normal map approach but the normal map and the material's textures are packed as cubic ones and a priori knowledge about the nets of such textures is leveraged to calculate the normal on the fly. The algorithm can be applied to any number of isosurfaces on any gpu that supports cubic textures. Index Terms—volumetric rendering, medical data visualization, raycasting Cite: Sergey Belyaev, Viacheslav Chukanov, and Vladislav Shubnikov, "Bump Mapping for Isosurface Volume Rendering," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 68-71, December 2017. doi: 10.18178/joig.5.2.68-71