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Formalist Criticism: A Study on Face Recognitions to Contribute an Alternative Aesthetics in Film Settings

Ratanachote Thienmongkol1 and Abdunroni Samaeng2
1. Department of New Media, Faculty of Informatics, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand
2. Creative Media LAB, Faculty of Informatics, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand

Abstract—In the past, a critical scene in film studies requires an expertise of analysts to verify the axiological paradigm. This paradigm refers to study the formalist criticism in film settings. Hence, the comprehensive of natural film concepts needs to be required; if we want the empowerment to criticize a scene design in film studies. On the other hand, this research tried to experiment the new alternative way to criticize a scene design in (horror) film studies by using scientific methods along with phenomenal studies to identify the formalist criticism in film settings. We applied a face detection technique to study the relationship between eyetracking and face expressions to analyze and suggested the new alterative design of formalism in a film setting. The key variables that were analyzed consist of eight elements; 1) neutral, 2) happiness, 3) surprise, 4) anger, 5) disgust, 6) fear, 7) sadness and 8) eye-tracking position. The key results of this experiment found average scores of movie clip 1 have more surprise feeling than other movies at 1.45 points. Meanwhile, the highness scores with fear feeling is the movie clip 3 at 0.27 points.

Index Terms—film study, scene design, communication design, face detection, eye-tracking, visual literacy

Cite: Ratanachote Thienmongkol and Abdunroni Samaeng, "Formalist Criticism: A Study on Face Recognitions to Contribute an Alternative Aesthetics in Film Settings," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 32-38, March 2019. doi: 10.18178/joig.7.1.32-38