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Beyond Digitalisation: Facial Motion Capture for Mak Yong through the Perspective of Aesthetic Experience and Uncanny Valley

Muhammad Zaffwan Idris and Naimah Musa
Creative Multimedia Department, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia

Abstract—In recent years, study on movement has risen among industry professionals and scholars. This also apply to the dance area where movement and kinesthetic play the major role. However, to measure the dance movement and kinesthetic is not complete without considering several element that affects the dance performance such as emotion, knowledge, and technical parts. The aim of this research is to observe both the potentials and challenges in digitising facial expressions by the dancer in expressing different type of emotions as part of preserving a Malay folkdance known as Mak Yong. The intention is to use facial motion capture (MoCap) device to record the facial expressions then applying the data in different form of visual representations. Further discussions are based on theory and model known as the Aesthetic Experience (AX) and Uncanny Valley.

Index Terms—facial motion capture (MoCap), Aesthetic Experience (AX), uncanny valley, Mak Yong

Cite: Muhammad Zaffwan Idris and Naimah Musa, "Beyond Digitalisation: Facial Motion Capture for Mak Yong through the Perspective of Aesthetic Experience and Uncanny Valley," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 37-41, June 2020. doi: 10.18178/joig.8.2.37-41

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