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An Object-Based Tool for Wavelet Thresholding to Reduce Speckle Noise

Murat A. Gungor 1 and Irfan Karagoz 2
1. Department of Electronics and Automation, Hitit University Vocational High School, 19169, Corum, Turkey
2. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gazi University, 06570, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract—Today, ultrasonic imaging is widely used to view the human body. Unfortunately, the presence of speckle noise decreases the quality of these images. The wavelet filtering technique is an effective method to eliminate speckle noise. In this technique, the values of the wavelet coefficients are changed according to the calculated threshold value to reduce speckle and increase image quality. Factors such as the thresholding value, thresholding method, wavelet type, level affect the success of the wavelet filtering. Thus the implementation of wavelet filtering is very important for the ultrasound image quality. In this paper, we form an object-based tool for wavelet thresholding to reduce speckle noise. Waterfall model is used for the formed tool. This tool permits applying both conventional and new wavelet filtering techniques.

Index Terms—wavelet thresholding, image denoising, speckle noise, waterfall model

Cite: Murat A. Gungor and Irfan Karagoz, "An Object-Based Tool for Wavelet Thresholding to Reduce Speckle Noise," Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 65-69, June 2015. doi: 10.18178/joig.3.1.65-69